Performer & Entertainer 
Tax & Bookkeeping 

Do you...

  • Perform in multiple states?
  • Get paid through multiple sources of non-employee income (you receive multiple 1099s / do not receive any W2's from employers)?
  • Need help understanding the complexity of allowable deductions on your returns? 
  • Need someone to handle your books so you can focus on your artistry?


For performers and entertainers, we offer full bookkeeping and tax compliance services.


Why pay for ongoing bookkeeping? 

Leaving everything to be figured out in April causes headaches and results in stressful filings while not being sure that you are paying the right amount - when everything is in a rush, you miss deductions that can reduce your tax burden, and if you miss any income, you risk triggering an audit which will add immense stress in your life. Ongoing bookkeeping also allows you to have real-time information on how well your business is doing, giving you the ability to make important decisions before year-end, including taking advantage of special retirement advantages that are only allowed to the self-employed! 


Why not use TurboTax or other free self-filing services?

Most self-filed returns result in overpayment of taxes due to not taking advantage of all deductions available, and when a notice comes, you're still on your own against the IRS. Also, if you are filing a schedule C, most self-filing sites aren't free and have settled lawsuits based on their misleading advertising. You also forgo consulting that can dramatically reduce your tax burden, and many options are unavailable once the year ends. 


You don't need someone who just knows what your income is coming from and what your expenses are, you need someone who gets your full story and intrinsically understands without judgement. Kayla Byers, CPA - on-stage known as KayStarr - has first-hand experience owning and operating Pole Presentational, LLC; the host of the annual NorCal Pole Presentational and host of various "virtual" showcases. 


Set up your free consultation with today to see how much better things are when you're not trying to handle everything on your own.